Parking contracts and validation stickers for your company's guests may be arranged directly between your office and Laz Parking. Laz Parking Customer Service Department can be reached at the following: or call (202) 667-3030 (opens in new window)
Daily Parking. A daily parker is entitled to park in the garage, provided space is available. However, the vehicle must be valet-parked by an attendant.
Monthly Parking (Non-Reserved). A monthly contract entitles you to park in the garage, on a daily basis, 24 hours a day.
Monthly Parking (Reserved). A monthly reserved contract entitles you to park in an assigned space every day, 24 hours a day. A 'reserved' sign will be installed for you.
Please report any problems you experience with the garage personnel to your Property Manager so we may assist you in receiving prompt and courteous service from the garage at all times. If you have any difficulty gaining entrance or exiting the garage, during weekends or after hours, please call the parking management company. They will notify security personnel so that we may promptly serve you.